The Artwork and Tate Exhibition 2019 – 2020

Frequently asked questions

What will the Class Photograph look like for the exhibition?

It will be a ‘traditional’ 8X10 framed photograph with pupils seated or stood in three - four rows with Year 3 teaching staff centre and either side. Schools who have a uniform policy can choose for children to wear uniform with logos, or sweatshirts where that’s a preference.

Will photographs be used for any other purpose than the Tate Britain exhibition in 2019?

In 2019, an outdoor exhibition is planned where some Class Photographs will appear on billboards across the capital. Further details will be available shortly and there will be a separate consent process for this.

Once the exhibition is over, the photograph will be returned to the school as a souvenir and Tate will keep a copy in its archives, as they do with all the artworks in their national collection, so that they can show the artwork again should there be a future exhibition. The artwork (including all class photographs within it) would be only ever be exhibited in its entirety and displayed in the same way as the 2019-20 exhibition at Tate Britain for non-commercial exhibitions.

How long will the Class Photographs be displayed in the exhibition for?

Photographs will be on display for the public, families and pupils to visit from November 2019 – May 2020. The exhibition will take place in the central Duveen Galleries at Tate Britain. Each photograph will then be gifted back to the school as a souvenir of the project and artwork.

In line with what Tate does with all artworks it looks after, Tate will store the artwork in its archive so that it can exhibit or lend it to other galleries in the future. The artwork (including all class photographs within it) would be only ever be exhibited in its entirety and displayed in the same way as the 2019-20 exhibition at Tate Britain for non-commercial exhibitions.

Will digital prints be made available?

Each photograph forms a part of this public artwork and individual prints will not be made available. A digital image of each photograph will be securely stored for Tate as part of the artwork in the Tate national collection archives.

Can a photograph be withdrawn from the exhibition should circumstances require?

Yes, we recognise there will be very exceptional circumstances where a Headteacher will need to ask for a photograph to be removed from the exhibition or the project. We will consider such requests and if approved, we will take down the relevant Class Photograph and the hard copy and digital file would also be deleted.

Can we take photographs of Tate Year 3 Project activity in class?

Yes, we’d encourage you to document the photography visit and any aspect of the project in class. We’d ask you not to take photographs of the actual Class Photograph being taken and our photographer will ask you to avoid doing this - only so the Class Photograph remains very special once it’s part of the full artwork itself and can be viewed in the gallery. If you would like to share your photos of the activity or your experience of the project on social media, please use #Year3Project.

Is the project commercial or money-making?

No. The project is an entirely public endeavour. No Class Photographs will appear in exhibition catalogues or merchandise and the display itself will be a free temporary exhibition.

Will it be possible to view the photos online during or after the exhibition?

No. The photographs will only be viewable by the public in the Duveens Gallery for the length of the exhibition. The only way to see them will be to visit the gallery, or for the selected schools to see their photograph on a billboard if they have consented to the outdoor exhibition.

Will the school name be on the Class Photograph?

School names will not appear on the Class Photograph. Schools will be identified by name at the exhibition in Tate Britain.

Will children’s names be used in the Tate Exhibition?

Children’s names are not shared by schools with Tate, A New Direction or Artangel for the purposes of the project and will not be used in any project or exhibition material.